

Bilateral Talks

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Meetings 8

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International Conference and B2B
CRINSS - Creative Industries Summer Sessions
11-13 July 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia

Key Speaker

Aleksandra Paladin
Editor in chief for the artistic music in “Radio Belgrade 1” radio station
Editor in chief of the magazine “Musika Klasika”


Holds BA (1996) and MA (2006) from the Department of Musicology and Ethnomusicology at School of Music in Belgrade. 
Current position: Editor in chief for the artistic music in “Radio Belgrade 1” radio station; Editor in chief of the magazine “Musika Klasika”.
Engaged in the musicology research. Topics of interest include: the contemporary Serbian music, Serbian music between the two world wars, and the role of the media in the promotion and the presentation of artistic music. The research papers were presented at various scientific meetings and published in assorted musicology collections and magazines. 
Involved in research about effects of music therapy on patients with cardiovascular diseases, toghether with Associate professor Doctor Predrag Mitrović, PhD, FESC, and FACC. 
Held public lectures on variety of topics related to the Serbian artistic music. 
She is author of textbooks for the course of Musical culture for elementary school (Novi Logos, Belgrade, 2009-2010)
Writes the critiques of artistic music and promotes the selected music editions. 
Member of the Section of Music Writers, Association of Composers of Serbia, from 2009. 
Member of the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) from 2009. 
Speech/Training Topic
Music: The art or medicine?
Topic abstract
The application of music therapy is present since ancient times. We can find it in the biblical sources, shamanistic rituals and theological literature. Healing by the music is present in all cultures throughout human history, until now. It is a discipline that accompanied the development of medicine from its beginnings. The application of music in medicine first was defined by the famous ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, physician and musicologist Pythagoras in the 6th century BC. He noted that "Music is good for the soul and healing to the body." We are listening music in order to feel better and comfortable. Pythagoras was the first who divided music into 'good and bad', looking at its impact on human health. From that time, medicine is far advanced, as well as the use of music in healing, too.
There is a question: Is the use of music in the treatment of certain diseases can be controlled, that the music can be applied as a drug, at fixed "dose"? Is it possible to choose such music that it has the optimal effect on our bodies and whose positive effects prolonged during 24 hours? Whether music can be "tamed"? Modern research has shown that it is possible.


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